Edu4 is Educatoin for Life

Education for Life
We are licensed Egyptian company that has a staff from an educational technology specialists, engineers and technicians, that always working to provide advanced, intelligent and flexible educational technology solutions.
Internal Networks
We equip educational institutions such as colleges, schools and classrooms with internal networks and manage it, so that educational institutions can conduct electronic exams without the need to connect to the internet.
Virtual Reality Services
We photograph and program the entire institutions and transfer it to the virtual reality so that customers can tour inside it, and integrate it to Google Earth services.

About Us

We are Licensed Egyptian company that ha an educational technology specialists engineers, and technicians, thay they always working to provide advanced, intelligent and flexible educational technology solutions that improve the educational enviroment between teacher and students.

Our Vision

Leadership and excellence in providing training and educational technology solutions to bodies, institutions and individuals to meet the emerging needs of customers in order to provide a safe environment for them in the field of education, training and evaluation from a distance

Our Message

Providing easy-to-use, updated and safe technological solutions for all services in the system to be the link between distinguished educational institutions and users of the system.

Our Systems Developed For

Schools :

  • - Learning Management Systems:
    That includes homeworks, electronic exams, certificates, sysncronize explaination, unsyncronize explaination, virtual classrooms, interactive videos, interactive books and quiz banks.

  • - School Management Systems:
    Fully school management system that adapts to the system and process of your school.

  • - Virtual Reality Services:
    We photograph and program the entire institutions and transfer it to the virtual reality so that customers can tour inside it, and integrate it to Google Earth services.

  • - Internal Networks:
    We equip educational institutions with internal networks and manage it, so that educational institutions can conduct electronic exams without the need to connect to the internet.

Universities and institutes :

  • - Providing digital transformation and financial inclusion services
  • - Learning Management Systems
  • - School Management Systems
  • - Virtual Reality Services
  • - Internal Networks

Training and courses centers :

  • - Distance education services for trainers and trainees with various electronic payment solutions.
  • - Internal Networks.

Our Top Features

Sysncronize Education

Syncronize Learning

UnSyncronize Education

UnSyncronize Learning


Electronic Exams

Interactive Video

Interactive Video

Photograph Studios

Photograph Studios

Internal Networks

Internal Networks

Attendence System

Attendence System

Financial System

Financial System

Online & Offline Echo System

Online-Offline EchoSystem

Virtual Reality Services

Virtual Reality Services